Missions at Starling Avenue Baptist Church

Those who do not love a brother or sister whom they have seen, cannot love God whom they have not seen.  
-1 John 4:20b

At Starling Avenue Baptist Church, our highest calling is to serve our neighbors, second only to loving and worshipping God. In keeping with this mission, we are committed to supporting local, state, national, and international missions organizations through prayer, financial contributions, and volunteer service.

In Our Community

Community Meal

Each month on the last Tuesday evening from 5:30-6:30 p.m., our church hosts a community meal in the Fellowship Hall. Volunteer cooks prepare a warm, delicious meal that neighbors are invited to enjoy together. The meals are funded through community donations. Those interested in participating, either by helping prepare the food or joining us for the meal, are encouraged to contact the church office.

Community Needs

One of the church's ongoing missions is to provide food and other essentials to those in need. Members regularly contribute items to feed schoolchildren on weekends and stock the Grace Network food pantry. This week's Occasions newsletter lists current needs - consider adding a few items to your grocery run to help feed the hungry in Martinsville.

Annual Mission Offering

The Annual Mission Offering begins in Advent and runs through Pentecost Sunday. Through our giving, we are able to support our mission and ministry partners around the world.  Special envelopes are available to give to our ministry partners listed below.